
Hacking is the process of achieving access to a computer or computer network without legal authorization. It is the most common activity amongst teenagers and young adults. Many hackers are keen to learn about computers and consider hacking as an art. They want to build programs to display their problem solving skills and not to harm others.
A hacker first tries their skills on easy targets and then after successful professional attacks on more secured sites. Their goal is to have complete access on any computer so that they can delete, edit or comply any files or directory and also can install any program.
Computer hackers are employed by many companies to get complete access on the computer so that they can delete, edit, copy any file or install as their technical staff. These hackers use their skills to find faults in company’s security system so that it can be repaired quickly. Sometimes hacking also prevents serious identity related crimes.

It is an offence if hackers steal private information or changes some financial or personal data. All the types of unauthorized access can lead the hacker towards the prison for 20 years.
One way of hacking is to get a copy of password file which stores all usernames and password in encrypted form or they can also use brute-force attack trying all the possible combinations of letters. Hacking is also done by emailing a program to anyone that runs automatically when clicked on some link or attachment. In this way you can install a program on a computer that can give you access of that computer. Another method of hacking is IP spoofing. IP spoofing is the creation of internet protocol packets with the fake IP address in order to conceal the identity of the sender. 
To protect your computer from hacking, you should install firewalls or other antivirus programs on the computer and also check for the updating of the machine at regular intervals.


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